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Finding Support Through Infertility

Woman holding her husbands arm

Most people celebrate Mother's Day without a second thought. However, it is important to remember and support those who struggle to build a family of their own. Even though National Infertility Awareness Week is celebrated in April, Beurer wants to express support and words of encouragement to those women experiencing infertility who feel hurt and overlooked during the Mother's Day season.

These are some good tips to keep in mind if you or a loved one are experiencing infertility:

  1. Acknowledge your feelings. Infertility is a difficult and emotional journey, and it is very important to check in with yourself.

  2. Be honest with your partner. Infertility affects not only you but also your partner. It is important to keep an open channel of communication if you are feeling frustration or resentment. After all, you're all in this together.

  3. Be optimistic but realistic. It is important to remain hopeful as you continue your efforts to conceive. Set realistic, short-term goals that you can complete one step at a time to help you move along the process without hopelessly waiting for a miracle.

  4. Don't blame yourself. In most cases, difficulty conceiving is a combination of genetics or other factors that are out of your control. Blaming yourself is counterproductive, so be sure to focus your energy on the end goal you are trying to achieve.

If you are actively trying to get pregnant, Beurer will be launching a selection of fertility aids that may help increase the chances of conception. They will be available on Amazon and Walmart!

OT20 Ovulation Thermometer

Helps check your basal body temperature (orally or vaginally) to calculate your cycle's ovulation period for natural family planning. It is waterproof, easy to clean, and comes with a protective cap. The OT20 also syncs to the OVY app to keep track of your ovulation measurements!

OT30 Ovulation Thermometer

Another variation of an ovulation thermometer. It uses Bluetooth to connect to the OVY app for basal body temperature measurement. It holds 30 memory spaces and has illuminated LED light signals.

OT80 Personal Fertility Kit

Syncs to the Pearl app to map out your fertility journey over multiple cycles. It creates a hormonal profile analysis and suggests a fertile window coverage spanning 8 days. It comes with 30 fertility sticks and 2 pregnancy tests.

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