Make the most out of spring!

We've recommended some yummy, seasonal recipes and given you the beauty products that will give you the special spring glow, but what about activities? What is there to even do? Well, technically, we've been cooped up for about a whole year now. Isn't that crazy? It's now the perfect opportunity to spend some time outdoors. Safely, that is...
Spring is a magical season. The birds are chirping, flowers are blooming and the sun is shining. Kids can finally enjoy the outdoors, and parents, you can too! Push the spring cleaning aside for a little, and take this time to make memories together. Ditch wearing the PJ's to dinner - with extra hours of daylight, there's time to have fun afterward!
Don't miss out on the fun
There's so much to explore in the outdoors, so much to do! You can get active and enjoy a nice workout, or just sit out and soak up the beautiful weather - I mean, it's not like we can all enjoy it year-round! Here are some ideas:
Staying active?
Go for a long bike ride
Go for a walk on the beach
Play frisbee
Go for a swim
Looking for some fun with the family?
Fly a kite
Visit your local farmer's market, then have a picnic
Explore local trails and take a mini hike
Go camping... Not too cold, not too hot - the weather's just right!
Plant a garden - you can enjoy all its freshness this summer
Play in the rain - gotta make the best of a cloudy day...
Pull out the burgers... it's bbq time!
Ready for some alone time?
Have a picnic
Sit outside with your favorite book
Watch the sunset